Michigan Medicaid Nursing Facility Level of Care Determination LOCD
Table of Content Why Would I Need Long-term Care? The roles of the local department of social services, the MCO and the nursing home post transition I. Eligibility and Enrollment Department of Health Transitions in Care Go to Migrant Services Our migrant program works with a number of organizations to provide services for Michigan’s migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Go to Children & Families Programs for healthy children & families, including immunization, lead poisoning prevention, prenatal smoking cessation, and many others. Find and compare freestanding nursing homes and hospital-based nursing homes in your area. Use this checklist to help you pick an assisted living facility. Caregiver services — Provides a break and other help for family members who help take care of you. To apply for the MI Choice Waiver, Michigan residents should contact the waiver agency that serves their area of residence. The criteria that determines NF LOC is outlined in the Michigan Medicaid...